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wehoop is an R package for working with women’s college and professional basketball data. The package has functions to access live play by play and box score data from ESPN with shot locations when available.

A scraping and aggregating interface for ESPN’s women’s college basketball and WNBA statistics. It provides users with the capability to access the API’s game play-by-plays, box scores, standings and results to analyze the data for themselves.


You can install the CRAN version of wehoop with:


You can install the released version of wehoop from GitHub with:

# You can install using the pacman package using the following code:if (!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)){  install.packages('pacman')}pacman::p_load_current_gh("saiemgilani/wehoop", dependencies = TRUE, update = TRUE)

Quick Start#

WNBA full play-by-play seasons (2002-2021) ~ 1-2 minutes#

tictoc::tic()progressr::with_progress({  wnba_pbp <- wehoop::load_wnba_pbp(2002:2021)})tictoc::toc()
## 12.64 sec elapsed
glue::glue("{nrow(wnba_pbp)} rows of WNBA play-by-play data from {length(unique(wnba_pbp$game_id))} games.")
## 1784144 rows of WNBA play-by-play data from 4677 games.

Women’s college basketball full play-by-play seasons (2004-2021) ~ 2-3 minutes#

tictoc::tic()progressr::with_progress({  wbb_pbp <- wehoop::load_wbb_pbp(2004:2021)})tictoc::toc()
## 48.3 sec elapsed
glue::glue("{nrow(wbb_pbp)} rows of women's college basketball play-by-play data from {length(unique(wbb_pbp$game_id))} games.")
## 8650487 rows of women's college basketball play-by-play data from 26023 games.


For more information on the package and function reference, please see the wehoop documentation website.

Breaking Changes#

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Our Authors


To cite the wehoop R package in publications, use:

BibTex Citation

@misc{hutchinson_gilani_2021_wehoop,  author = {Saiem Gilani and Geoff Hutchinson},  title = {wehoop: The SportsDataverse's R Package for Women's Basketball Data.},  url = {},  year = {2021}}