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wehoop 1.2.0

  • Add returns for all the functions
  • Update a handful of field names from the scoreboard functions and to also include neutral_site and conference_competition columns for the women's college basketball scoreboard function.

wehoop 1.1.1

  • Change functions from furrr::future_map_dfr functions to data.table::rbindlist functions for loaders.

wehoop 1.1.0

Add schedule loaders#

wehoop 1.0.0

Add team box score loaders#

Add player box score loaders#

Standings functions#

Getting Started vignette#

wehoop 0.9.2

Quick fix for update db functions#

Dependency pruning#

This update is a non-user facing change to package dependencies to shrink the list of dependencies.

wehoop 0.9.1

Clean names and team returns#

wehoop 0.9.0

Loading capabilities added to the package#

wehoop 0.3.0


  • R version 3.5.0 or greater dependency added
  • purrr version 0.3.0 or greater dependency added
  • rvest version 1.0.0 or greater dependency added
  • progressr version 0.6.0 or greater dependency added
  • usethis version 1.6.0 or greater dependency added
  • xgboost version 1.1.0 or greater dependency added
  • tidyr version 1.0.0 or greater dependency added
  • stringr version 1.3.0 or greater dependency added
  • tibble version 3.0.0 or greater dependency added
  • furrr dependency added
  • future dependency added

Test coverage#

  • Added tests for all ESPN functions

Function Naming Convention Change#

  • Similarly, data and metrics sourced from ESPN will begin with espn_ as opposed to wbb_ or wnba_.
  • Data sourced directly from the NCAA website will start the function with ncaa_

wehoop 0.2.0

  • Added support for ESPN's play-by-play endpoints with the addition of the following functions:
  • wehoop::espn_wnba_game_all() - a convenience wrapper function around the following three functions (returns the results as a list of three data frames)
  • wehoop::espn_wnba_team_box()
  • wehoop::espn_wnba_player_box()
  • wehoop::espn_wnba_pbp()
  • wehoop::espn_wnba_teams()
  • wehoop::espn_wbb_scoreboard()

wehoop 0.1.0

  • Added support for ESPN's play-by-play endpoints with the addition of the following functions:
  • wehoop::espn_wbb_game_all() - a convenience wrapper function around the following three functions (returns the results as a list of three data frames)
  • wehoop::espn_wbb_team_box()
  • wehoop::espn_wbb_player_box()
  • wehoop::espn_wbb_pbp()
  • wehoop::espn_wbb_teams()
  • wehoop::espn_wbb_conferences()
  • wehoop::espn_wbb_scoreboard()
  • wehoop::ncaa_wbb_NET_rankings()
  • wehoop::espn_wbb_rankings()